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If there is a chance in the future to fight in Tianjin and blow up the pier, it will definitely cause huge losses to the North China Front Army.Kong Jie was silent. He really believed in the method proposed by Huang Yu before.

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The little devils who just got up from the ground had to lie down again, but they didn t know that this shelling would be the last shelling that most of them experienced in their lives.Transferring him to the rear to put out fires and then returning to the front line will not only reduce the devil s attention to him, but also benefit him.

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Troops to fight for reinforcements It s too late to send people diet exercise but no weight loss over to give orders now, and the secret service company is just idle, why don t we go there first If Baoding City really sends reinforcements to Shunping, the special service company will go up first to slow down their marching speed Buy time for the diet exercise but no weight loss main force of the battalion to reinforce the battlefield There are still four troop carriers here, let the soldiers squeeze a little, just enough to transport two platoons Kong Jie considered the rapid response brigade in Baoding City that is a A huge military force that can move quickly in Baoding, and can go to any battlefield in Shunping within three hours.

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Pay attention to the security work here There are devils and an infantry brigade stationed in three directions of the pier There is also a navy on the pier, which can provide artillery support to the infantry at any time There are still many little devils in Tianjin City, at most half The battlefield can be reinforced within an hour I estimate that there are at least 6,000 enemies protecting the pier Basically, they are all little devils, and there are very few puppet troops Maybe there are many tanks among these enemies Troops Even if we have an army of 10,000, it will be difficult to take down the pier Kong Jie added We need heavy artillery support If you want to take down the pier, you must first use heavy artillery to destroy the Japanese gunboats and warships docked on the pier, so that the naval guns will be useless.

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