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Disassemble the five cannons into parts, and put them together, maybe you can make two mountain cannons Look at the barrel first as long as the barrel is good, there is a door Duan Peng ran away suddenly Come over Battle Commander, the little devil is too polite to us In addition to weapons and ammunition, he left us four troop carriers The road was blocked, and the four troop carriers wanted to go around in the wasteland, but the result They got stuck in the divinity labs keto gummies ingredients xpel weight loss pills pit and couldn t get out They were in a hurry to retreat, leaving the car and running away, forgetting to blow up the car I went to see, the four cars are intact, and they can be used when they are rolled out Huang Yu The smile was happier than before, and he immediately ordered Go and check the other cars Except for the ones that were completely destroyed by the shells, maybe two can be repaired Let comrades put all the seized weapons and ammunition on the cars I was worrying about how to transport these loot, but the little devil sent the transport tool over, just dozed off and sent pillows Let everyone hurry up we must evacuate the battlefield within an hour I m worried The is there a weight loss pill that works otc devils asked for air force support on the way to retreat send planes to bomb us all cars and troops must be camouflaged and ready for air defense when we retreat later Zhang Xuan, the special agent company, walked over with his head bowed, his body was blackened by gunpowder, There was still a bandage on his arm, and when he saw Huang Yu, he reported with an attitude of heavy weight loss pills pleading guilty Commander, I have let you down Only fifteen soldiers from the two platoons survived I, the company commander, did not Commander, I m sorry for them, request punishment Huang Yu shook his head, patted Zhang Xuan on the shoulder and said, No, you healthy diet indian recipes for weight loss guys played very well If it weren t for the secret agent company relying on the South Korean village to block the devil s first round of attack, the special forces would not have time to reach the battlefield.

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