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Being squandered into more than 1,300 people by himself, and not yet completing the task of recapturing Shunping and severely injuring the Duer Regiment, it can be said that he lost his wife and lost his army, which is really embarrassing.They must have something to rely on. There are eight thousand little devils stationed in front of us No matter how courageous Yoshio Iwamatsu is, he would never dare to sweep Northwest Shanxi at the cost of one division I suspect that there is something wrong with the more than one hundred boxes that Yoshio Iwamatsu airdropped to Zuo Teng Division just now The support is probably in those boxes Kong Jie replied seriously No matter what support Zuo Teng has, we must take the initiative to attack them, continue to hit them hard, and repel them, otherwise Yoshio Iwamatsu will target the big forces in Northwest Shanxi.

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