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Go in If the special operations team has an accident because of our impulsiveness, and there is no way to continue to threaten Yoshio Shinozuka, the little devil action team will definitely extend the butcher knife to more ordinary people, and it will be too much for the loss Duan Peng listened instantly Understand the hidden meaning of Huang Yu s words, and challenge again Captain I want to personally lead a team to investigate in the expatriate area Before I became a soldier, I often worked as a coolie in the city pretending to be a laborer to work in the expatriate area Boy, the little devil will definitely not doubt it Working as a coolie for the expatriates, you may be able to touch their homes and find out their true strength from the inside Huang Yu deeply believed that Duan Peng was ordinary looking, of medium height, muscular, and an outsider You can tell at a glance that he is a coolie.

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The curtain of the car was raised, and an elegant woman in a plain skirt came out slowly Pang Dao, why did you close the door in broad daylight Open the door soon, I want to go in.The formulas are true or not. That guy is indeed very cunning.

He didn t look towards Zu an from the beginning to the end, as if he didn t hear what he said.Zheng Dan is really lucky. Cut, the arithmetic class is not elegant, let me go and I will return it.

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