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Those strong men from Red Cloud Star will probably collapse in despair Hahaha, the Young Demon Lord is still smart.The large bloody handprints are filled with the aura of terror, making people tremble Okay You have actually practiced the Blood Fiend Hand Seal to such an extent.

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Are their seven major immortal cultivating sects really going to be destroyed by Lu Ziji However, at this moment, Feng Batian, the leader of Tianwai Sect, burst into the sky with a wild and proud laugh Lu Ziji, now, let me see you off for the last time As long as the seriously injured Lu Ziji is killed, , then he is the only one in the Cangshan Star Cultivation World, and becomes the only supreme master of the Cangshan Star Cultivation World However, Lu Yu looked at Feng Batian with disdain and said contemptuously Feng Batian, you are really greedy for life and afraid of death.

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Zhenjun Pengyun, Master Zhicheng, and Old Monster Tianhe, the three great Yuan Ying stage ancestors, died in the hands of Lu Ziji Bian Zhihe was completely stunned.In fact, even the Mahayana Supreme Being would be blinded if he didn t look carefully.

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Although this misty forest is shrouded in fog and blocks his spiritual consciousness, Lu Yu can still see the situation within a dozen miles in radius.Could it be Thinking of that guess, Honey Fairy couldn t help but tremble all over, her hands and feet were as cold as falling into an ice cellar Is Bai Xixi in Luoyue Palace But now, Lu Yu narrowed his eyes and looked at Fairy Mi coldly, knowing that she had guessed something, but he didn t mind.

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